Understanding Shipment Confirmation for Production Controlled Items

You use the Shipment Confirmation program (P4205) to verify that inventory has left the warehouse. When you run the shipment confirmation process, the system can perform other processes for the order. These processes include updating the on-hand inventory.

See “Confirming Shipments" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Sales Order Management Implementation Guide.

Before confirming shipments, you can review on-hand availability of production controlled items by item number, production number, branch/plant, location, and lot serial number. To access the Production Number On Hand form, select the Prod No. Location option from the Row menu on the Shipment Confirmation form. The Production Number On Hand form displays relevant information from the F41021T table.

The Production Number field appears in the detail grid on the Work with Shipment Confirmation and Shipment Confirmation forms. The Production Number field is not an editable field. After you select an order for which to confirm shipment, you cannot change the production number of the production controlled item on the order.

When you issue inventory for production controlled items, the system restricts you from issuing production controlled inventory in excess of what is currently on hand for a location in the F41021T table.

When the required quantity of a specific production controlled or generic inventory is not available, the system enables you to consume the remaining required quantity from another production number. You consume the remaining required inventory for production controlled items using either blind or interactive mode.

You set the Production Number On Hand Consumption processing option on the Edits tab of the Shipment Confirmation program to blank to activate blind inventory selection.

When the Shipment Confirmation program is run to select inventory blindly for production controlled items, the algorithm:

  1. Allocates generic inventory.

    Generic inventory is inventory for items that are not production controlled and, therefore, are not associated with a production number.

  2. Allocates inactive production numbers.

    These are production controlled items that have the Production Number Status set to I in the Production Number Master File table (F34401).

  3. Allocates orphaned production numbers.

    These are production controlled items that are no longer associated with a supply or demand.

  4. Allocates production number by end item demand date.

    This is the demand date of a production controlled item that is the farthest in the future. The system then replans the end item to meet the demand.

If you set the Production Number On Hand Consumption processing option to a value of 1 to interactively select inventory, then the system displays the Select Inventory for Consumption form. You select the specific inventory and quantity to consume.

You must complete the Secondary Quantity field if the item you are confirming is set up with dual units of measure in the item master record.

After you select the inventory to consume, you can access the Select Inventory to Consume form to review or redistribute inventory. You must have a value in the Quantity Shipped field to access the Prod No. Consumption option in the Row menu.

The production number on the shipment confirmation equals the production number on the sales order. The system does not keep track of which production number was consumed to meet the demand on the sales order.

After shipping production controlled inventory on a sales order detail line, the system deducts the quantity from the F41021 and F41021T tables.

The on-hand quantity for production controlled inventory in the F41021T table does not go negative. Therefore, if the on-hand quantity for the production controlled item is insufficient, then the F41021T table shows zero on-hand quantity and the F41021 table shows a negative on-hand quantity. All on-hand quantity for production controlled items must be consumed before the on-hand quantity of generic items goes negative.

The Ship Confirm Batch Application program (R42500) enables you to confirm multiple orders simultaneously. This process updates the EDI Purchase Order Change Header - Inbound (F47131) and EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Inbound (F47132) tables. The Ship Confirm Batch Application program calls the Inbound Transaction Processor program (R47500), which also uses the customer order change tables. By default, the Ship Confirm Batch Application program follows the blind consumption logic for production controlled items.

If you do not relieve inventory during shipment confirmation, the sales update process uses blind consumption logic to deplete inventory.

A reversal of production controlled inventory transactions increases or decreases the on-hand quantity of the production number used in the transactions.

You can manage production number inventory through the Production Number Workbench program (P34403) before shipment confirmation.