
1. Check Availability

Specify whether the system verifies the available quantity for requested items. Values are:

Blank: Bypass availability checking.

1: Activate, notify, and backorder or cancel.

2: Activate, notify, but do not backorder or cancel.

If you have fulfillment processing active during sales order entry, the system does not use this processing option. If all of your items enter the fulfillment process, you can leave this processing option blank.

The Auto Fulfillment Processing and the Fulfillment Workbench programs perform availability checking regardless of the setting in this processing option.

2. Commit to Quantity 1 or Quantity 2

Indicate the generic buckets to which the system commits quantities. Values are:

Blank: Do not commit quantities to buckets, Other Quantity 1 or 2.

1: Commit quantities to Quantity 1.

2: Commit quantities to Quantity 2.

Leave this processing option blank for Fulfillment Management. The Fulfillment Management system stores unfulfilled quantities in the future quantity bucket and fulfilled quantities in the soft commitment bucket.

4. Enter Allowed Lot Status Group to validate (Release 9.2 Update)

Lot Group is the name of a user defined list of allowed non-approved lot status codes. Entry of a Lot Group name in the Processing Option will allow this Application to process lots whose lot status code is defined within the specified Lot Group Name.

When NBLOTSTS is set to No or NBLOTSTS is not present in the EnterpriseOne Control System program (P99410), an approved lot or location does not have a status code. All non-blank codes indicate that the lot is on hold or unapproved.

When NBLOTSTS is set to Yes, the lot status is validated by a special handling code in UDC 41/L. All codes containing the special handling code 1 indicate that the lot is approved. All codes containing special handling codes other than 1 indicate that the lot is on hold or unapproved.

Note: This option enables the system to increase availability for allowed lot statuses during auto fulfillment processing.