
1. E-mail Acknowledgement Selection

Indicate whether the system sends email acknowledgements when you run the Release from Fulfillment report (R4277703). Values are:

Blank: The system does not send email acknowledgements.

1: The system sends email acknowledgements.

2. E-mail Subject Line

Specify the print message that the system prints in the subject line when sending an E-mail acknowledgment. If you leave this processing option blank, the system leaves the subject line blank on the associated E-mail.

3. E-mail Sender Address Number

Specify the address number for the entity whose name and E-mail address the system uses on the E-mail acknowledgment as the sender.

4. Override Schedule For Advanced Preference

Specify an override preference schedule for the system to use instead of the default preference schedule defined in the system constants.

The Message Notification preference (35) must be in the schedule that the system uses to send email notifications.

Note: You can use the Advanced Preferences Schedule Revisions program (P4070) to modify preference schedules.