Line Fill Percent Rules

You can use the line fill percent rule to specify the minimum fill percentage for a sales order line. Each sales order line can have its own line fill percent rule. The fill percentage is cumulative across all releases of a line including multiple splits for a line.

The system determines the line fill percent by dividing the line quantity filled by the line quantity ordered. If the result does not meet or exceed the minimum fill percentage, the system does not release the sales order line from fulfillment. The system can perform this evaluation when you:

  • Use the Fulfillment Workbench program (P4277701).

  • Run the Auto Fulfillment Processing report (R4277701).

  • Revise a sales order that has fulfillment quantity.

Note: When the rule includes multiple release numbers, the minimum required fill percent is cumulative for the line based on the requested order quantity, not the split order quantity.

This table is an example of sales order lines with line fill percent requirements:

Example of sales order lines with line fill percent requirements

In this example, lines 1, 4, and 5 meet or exceed their respective line fill percent rule requirements. The system releases these lines from fulfillment. However, lines 2 and 3 do not meet their respective line fill percent rule requirements. The system evaluates lines 2 and 3 as sales order lines that fail to meet their respective line fill percent rule requirements. Thus, the system does not release these lines from fulfillment.

The system ensures the minimum percent to fill is met or exceeded when you run the Release from Fulfillment report (R4277703). If the line has not met the requirements, the system does not release the line from fulfillment.