
1. Bypass service level rule resolution for sales order lines with existing service level rules.

Specify whether the system resolves service level rules for sales order lines with existing service level rules. This option governs both the processing within this program and the resolution of a new service level rule when you change the branch plant during either sales order entry processing or processing from the Fulfillment Workbench. Values are:

Blank: Resolve service level rules for sales order lines with existing service level rules. The system removes the existing rule and resolves a new rule based on the information in the service level rule table.

1: Bypass service level rule resolution for sales order lines with existing service level rules. The system retains the rules on the sales order line.

2. Bypass service level rule resolution for sales order lines with overridden order or line minimum percents to fill, or an overridden cancel rule flag.

Specify whether the system resolves service level rules for sales order lines with overridden values. Override values can include line level minimum percents to fill or an overridden cancel rule. When the system resolves service level rules, it replaces all overridden values with values from the resolved service level rule. This option governs both the processing within this program and the resolution of a new service level rule when you change the branch plant during either sales order entry processing or processing from the Fulfillment Workbench. Values are:

Blank: Resolve service level rules for sales order lines with override values.

1: Bypass service level rule resolution for sales order lines with overrides values.

3. Clear overridden order minimum percent to fill when service level rule is resolved.

Specify whether the system, while resolving service level rules, clears the overridden minimum percent to fill value on the order header. The system does not clear the values on the detail lines. Values are:

Blank: Maintain the overridden order minimum fill percent to fill during service level rule resolution.

1: Clear the overridden order minimum fill percent during service level rule resolution. The system removes the existing value and resolves the new value using the service level rule information on the order detail lines.

4. Suppress report output.

Specify whether the system suppresses report output.

Blank: Do not suppress report output.

1: Suppress report output.