
1. Proof or Final Mode.

Specify whether the system runs the Auto Fulfillment Processing report in Proof or Final mode. In Proof mode, the system assigns inventory to sales order lines without modifying the sales order lines, and does not update the status of the lines. In Final mode, the system commits the output, creates the fulfillment plan, and updates the order statuses. Values are:

Blank: Run Auto Fulfillment in Proof mode.

1: Run Auto Fulfillment in Final mode.

Note: When you run this version of Auto Fulfillment in proof mode, the system does not launch the Release from Fulfillment report (R4277703). When you run this version of Auto Fulfillment in final mode, the system launches the Release from Fulfillment report. However, if the system launches this version of Auto Fulfillment from the Load Balancer report (R4277711), the system does not run the Release from Fulfillment report regardless of whether you set this version to run in proof mode or in final mode.
2. Fulfillment Plan Description.

Enter a value that defines the fulfillment plan. In Final mode, the system writes the fulfillment plan to the Fulfillment Plan ID table (F4277710). This description is informational only.

3. Include Backordered Quantity as Available Quantity.

Specify whether the system adds back-ordered quantity to available quantity. Use this processing option depending on how you set up the availability calculation. Values are:

Blank: Do not add back-ordered quantity to available quantity.

1: Add back-ordered quantity to available quantity.

4. Release the fulfillment after orders are fulfilled.

Specify whether the system runs the Release from Fulfillment report (R4277703). Values are:

Blank: Do not run the Release from Fulfillment report.

1: Run the Release from Fulfillment report.

Note: The system runs the Release from Fulfillment report only when you run the Auto Fulfillment Processing report in Final mode. However, if the system launches this version of Auto Fulfillment from the Load Balancer report (R4277711), the system does not run the Release from Fulfillment report regardless of whether you set this version to run in proof mode or in final mode
5. Fulfillment Rule Name

Enter the rule name that you set up in the Fulfillment Rules program (P4277720). This functionality enables inventory assignments based on the scores and remaining percentage of the safety stock.

6. Reprocess Fulfillment

Indicate whether the system reprocesses the existing fulfillment. Reprocessing enables you to un-commit previous inventory assignments and run the process from the beginning. Values are:

Blank: The system does not reprocess the fulfillment.

1: The system reprocesses the fulfillment.

7. Record Reservation Error

Specify whether you want the Auto Fulfillment Processing report to provide error messaging on all reserved records, or only on the first reserved record that the system encounters. When record reservation is active, the Auto Fulfillment Processing report runs through all the data selection and determines whether the system has reserved any of the records. If the system has reserved records, the system issues errors, stops the Auto Fulfillment Processing report, and does not process any order lines. Values are:

Blank: Set record reservation error and continue looking for additional reservations.

1: Stop processing the program when the first record reservation error occurs.

8. Override Advanced Preference

Specify the advanced preference schedule that the system uses when resolving the Fulfillment Rounding preference. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the schedule from the system constants.