Scenario: Understanding How the System Applies Fulfillment Rules

In this scenario, four customers order the same item with the same line type and order type. The available quantity for the item is 1,000 units and the safety stock quantity is 200 units. You have set up a fulfillment rule that applies to your item and the customers who order it. This diagram illustrates the fulfillment rule setup:

Example of fulfillment rule setup

During the fulfillment process, the system retrieves the score from the Sales Order Detail table (F4211).

Note: In this scenario, the lower the priority score, the more important the priority for the order line.

This table lists the customer, the order line score, and the quantity that each customer ordered:



Quantity Ordered













During run of the Auto Fulfillment Processing report, the system assigns inventory to the order lines based upon priority score. This diagram illustrates the results and the sequence in which the system assigns inventory:

Results and sequence in which the system assigns inventory

The system processes the order lines in sequence based on the priority score. This table explains how the system processes order lines for each customer during auto fulfillment processing in this scenario:




The system determines whether 150 percent of the safety stock remains available after assigning 100 percent (100 units) of the requested quantity to the order line for customer 4245. After the system assigns quantity to the order line, the remaining quantity is 900 units, which is more than 150 percent of the safety stock.

The system fulfills 100 percent of the quantity ordered for customer 4245 based upon the priority score (10).


After fulfilling quantity for customer 4245, the system:

  • Determines whether 150 percent of the safety stock remains available after assigning 100 percent (150 units) of the requested quantity to the order line for customer 4242. After the system assigns quantity to the order line, the remaining quantity is 750 units, which is more than 150 percent of the safety stock.

  • Fulfills 100 percent of quantity ordered for customer 4242 based upon the priority score (15). 750 units are now available.


After fulfilling quantity for customers 4245 and 4242, the system:

  • Determines whether 140 percent of the safety stock remains available after assigning 90 percent (360 units) of the requested quantity to the order line for customer 4243. After the system assigns quantity to the order line, the remaining quantity is 390 units, which is more than 140 percent of the safety stock.

  • Fulfills 90 percent (360 units) of the quantity ordered for customer 4243 based upon the priority score (30).


After fulfilling quantity for customers 4245, 4242, and 4243, the system:

  • Determines whether 100 percent of the safety stock remains available after assigning 75 percent (202 units) of the requested quantity to the order line for customer 4244. After the system assigns quantity to the order line, the remaining quantity is 188 units, which is less than 100 percent of the safety stock.

  • Does not fulfill the order line.