Setting Up Fulfillment Rules

Access the Fulfillment Rules - Add Rule form.

Fulfillment Rule

Enter a code that represents the name of the fulfillment rule.

Sequence No. (number)

Enter the sequence in which you want the system to evaluate the fulfillment rule.

Score Range From

Enter the beginning score in the safety stock rule range. When evaluating the safety stock rule, if a number is greater than or equal to the beginning score and less than the next highest beginning score, then the system applies this rule.

Safety Stock Percentage

For the system to apply the safety stock fulfillment rule, enter the minimum percentage of safety stock that must exist after the system completely fulfills inventory to an order.

Fulfillment Percentage

Enter a numeric value that determines the percentage of the order quantity that the system fulfills based upon the fulfillment rule. The system does not permit values greater than 100 percent.