Replenishment Method (42I/RP)

You use this UDC to specify the replenishment method the system uses. The system contains the following hard-coded values:

  • C: Custom Method

    Select this option to specify that the system uses a custom method to generate replenishment orders.

    Note: This is a future use field. All functionality related to this field may not be currently available.
  • O: One-to-One

    Select this option to specify that the system uses one-to-one replenishment method.

    When you select the one-to-one replenishment method, the system generates replenishment orders as soon as quantity is consumed from the customer's location.

  • R: Reorder Point

    Select this option to specify that the system uses reorder point replenishment method.

    Reorder point is the quantity that triggers generation of replenishment orders. You set up a reorder point as the threshold quantity you must maintain at the customer's location.

    When you select the reorder point replenishment method, the system generates replenishment orders when the quantity available for consumption at the customer's location is less than the reorder point.