Understanding the Report Outbound Inventory Consumption Application (P42I03)

When you report outbound inventory consumption, the system updates the following information in the Outbound Order Consumption Report File table (F42I03):

  • Unique consumption ID

  • Quantity consumed

  • Relieve inventory flag

  • Consumption batch number

  • Related replenishment and billing order numbers

  • Price and quantity override information

When you report outbound inventory consumption, the system updates the following information in the Outbound Inventory Agreement Acknowledge table (F42I02):

  • Consumed quantity

  • Consumption status

  • Consumption date

The system retrieves acknowledged outbound inventory data from the Outbound Inventory Agreement Acknowledge table (F42I02) to populate the grid in the Report Outbound Inventory Consumption application (P42I03). You can summarize the quantity and item information by item and location, or by item, location and lot information.

After the system retrieves acknowledged outbound inventory records from the F42I02 table, you can either report full consumption of the quantity or partial consumption from the acknowledged quantity. You can also report consumption by specifying either the quantity that was consumed or the quantity that is available for consumption.

The system also displays the age of inventory of the acknowledged quantity for you to take an informed decision about reporting consumption of items. For example, you may want to report consumption of items that have a higher age of inventory and are to expire soon. The system calculates the age of inventory as the difference between the current system date and the date when you received the quantity.

The system also allows you to report consumption in dual unit of measure for dual pick items. You can check the availability in both the primary unit of measure and the secondary unit of measure. You can also report the consumption using both the primary and secondary unit of measures.