
These processing option specify the branch/plant and routing effectivity dates to use when calculating lead times.

1. Branch

Specify the branch/plant to be processed or leave this processing option blank for all branches.

2. As of Date

Specify the routing effectivity date that the system should use to calculate the lead times. If you leave this processing option blank, today's date is used.

3. Calculate Leadtime for Queue/Move Hours

Specify how the system uses queue and move hours to calculate Level Leadtime. Values are:

Blank: Use queue and move hours as a percentage of the work center shift hours per day.

1: Use queue and move hours as a percentage of the work hours per day from Manufacturing Constants.

4. Zero Move/Queue Hours From Routings

Specify what to do with a zero value in the standard routing for the move and queue hours when calculating the item lead time. Values are:

Blank: Use the zero value from the routing if move and queue hours are zero in the routing.

1: Use the move and queue hours from the Work Center Master table (F30006- QUED, MOVD) if move and queue hours are zero in the routing.

If move and queue hours are non-zero in the routing, then the leadtime calculation uses that value irrespective of the Zero Move/Queue Hours From Routings processing option setting.

5. Override Number of Employees/Machines

Specify a value to override the number of employees or machines in the work center. Values are:

Blank: Use the existing number of employees or machines in the work center.

1: Override the number of employees or machines to 1 for all work centers in the routing.