Defining Affected Items

Access the ECO Parts List Entry form.

After you define and save the parts list, you define the items affected by the change.

Chg Type (change type)

Enter a code that describes the type of item change. This value is used by the Related Items window to determine the number and nature of related items allowed. The value is also used during Engineering Change Population to determine the changes. Values are:

N: Add a new component or bill.

S: Swap or replace one item with another.

C: Change an existing component or bill.

R: Remove an existing component or bill.

P/C Rel (parent/component relationship)

Enter a code that indicates whether the item is a parent or component. Using this value, the system selects items for you on the Related Items window when you perform a where-used inquiry for components or a single-level or multilevel inquiry for parent items. The Engineering Change Population program uses this value to determine the requested change. Values are:

P: The item is a parent.

C: The item is a component.

Frm Rev (from revision)

Enter the revision level for the part that was previously reported. This might be the previous sequential revision.

To Rev (to revision)

Enter the revision level for the part that is reported next. This might not be the next sequential revision.

Bill Type

Enter a UDC (40/TB) that designates the type of bill of material. You can define different types of bills of material for different uses. For example:

M: Standard manufacturing bill.

RWK: Rework bill.

SPR: Spare parts bill.

The system enters bill type M in the work order header when you create a work order, unless you specify another bill type. The system reads the bill type code on the work order header to know which bill of material to use to create the work order parts list. Material Requirements Planning (MRP) uses the bill type code to identify the bill of material to use when it attaches MRP messages. Batch bills of material must be type M for shop floor management, product costing, and MRP processing.

Swp Rev (swap revision)

Enter the revision level of the Swap-to item whenever an engineering change order is swapping out one item for another. The swap-to revision becomes the next revision level for the item only when the ECO is created in Swap To mode.