Level Lead Time

For a manufactured product, level lead time is the number of workdays that is required to complete the product after all of the items are available. Level lead time for a purchased item is the number of calendar days that are required for you to receive the item after the supplier receives the purchase order. Level lead time is not calculated if the Manufacturing Lead Time in F4102 is zero.

This example illustrates where the level lead times occur for a manufactured item and a purchased item:

The system uses the formula to calculate level lead time:

∑{[ [{(M or L)/(E or M)} / {(EF or UT)×(CUM Yield)}] × MLQ ] / TIMB} + Setup + Total Queue & Move = Work Hours per Day

The work hours per day are retrieved from Manufacturing Constants table (F3009). The system reads the time basis code from the Routing Master File table (F3003).

This table defines the values used in the formula:



M or L

Machine or labor hours based on the prime load code


Sum of all operations


Time basis code


Manufacturing lead time quantity

E or M

Number of employees or machines in the work center


Information from the routing


Queue plus move time from the routing or work center

EF or UT

Efficiency or utilization from the work center

CUM Yield %

Yield from the routing