
After you define an ECO and its routing instructions and parts list, use the ECO Notification program (R48181) to send notices to the reviewers that you defined in the approval routing master. To generate notifications, you must have an address book record established. You can run ECO Notification in either of two ways:

  • To process several ECOs, use the data selection in the ECO Notification program.

  • To process a single ECO, run the ECO Notification program from the Enter/Change ECO program.

You run this program only once. After all of the reviewers in the first review group have reviewed the ECO, the system sends notification to the next review group.

You can set a processing option to activate flash messages for the item that is affected by the ECO. You can then view the flash message from review programs. The system deactivates the flash message when you run the Engineering Change Population program to update the bill of material for the item.