Overlapping and Concurrent Operations

If a percent of overlap is specified in the routing instructions, the work order routing instruction includes specified operations that overlap. For example, an overlap percentage of 80 percent for an operation means that the next operation can start when 20 percent of the previous operation is complete.

Consider this example:

  • Work order complete date: May 1

  • Last operation 20: 24 hours

  • First operation 10: 24 hours

  • Resource hours per day, per work center: 8 hours

  • Operation overlap on 20: 75 percent

This table illustrates overlapping operations:

Operation start and complete dates.

Using data from the previous tables, the system advances the complete date of the previous operation by 75 percent of 24 hours, or 18 hours. The system then recalculates the start date using normal back scheduling rules. As a result, operations 10 and 20 overlap and takes 24 hours to complete.

This table illustrates this concept:

Operation schedule with and without overlap.