
These processing options control the types of item quantities that are included on the report.

1. Phantom Items

Specify whether the system explodes the phantoms to the next level and omits the display of the phantom. A phantom is normally defined for engineering or manufacturing purposes. Phantoms enable common parts, that may or may not be assembled, to be grouped in a bill of material structure. When viewing the bill of material, you may want to display only the subassemblies and raw material. Values are:

Blank: Omit the phantom items from the inquiry and display only the subassemblies and raw material.

1: Include phantom items in the inquiry.

2. Process Items

Specify whether the system displays process items. Process items include the process, co-products, by-products, and ingredients. A discrete bill may contain a component that is produced from a process. You use this processing option when you combine discrete and process manufacturing to display a complete structure of the requirements. Values are:

Blank: Exclude.

1: Include.

3. Subassemblies

Specify whether the system displays subassemblies. A subassembly is an assembly that is used at a higher level to form another assembly. Values are:

Blank: Exclude.

1: Include.

4. Text Lines

Specify whether the system displays text lines. Values are:

Blank: Exclude.

1: Include.

5. Consolidate Component Items

Specify whether the system consolidates duplicate components. The same component may be listed in the bill of material several times, either on different subassemblies or on the same subassembly at different operations. When you use this processing option with the Subassemblies processing option, the system consolidates components at the subassembly level or for all levels of the bill of material. When viewing the consolidated components, the quantity required is accumulated for duplicate components. Values are:

Blank: Display individual occurrences of duplicate components.

1: Consolidate duplicate components.

6. Purchased Item

Specify whether the system explodes to the next level of purchased items in the bill of material report. Values are:

Blank: Exclude lower-level purchased items.

1: Include lower-level purchased items.

7. Shrinkage

Specify whether the system adjusts the requested quantity for shrinkage. Shrinkage is the planned loss of a parent item caused by factors such as breakage, theft, deterioration, and evaporation. Values are:

Blank: Do not adjust.

1: Adjust.

8. Scrap

Specify whether the system adjusts the extended quantity for scrap. Scrap is unusable material that results from the production process. It is material outside of specifications and of such characteristics that rework is impractical. Values are:

Blank: Do not adjust.

1: Adjust.

9. Yield

Specify whether the system adjusts the extended quantity for yield. Yield is the ratio of usable output from a process to its input. Values are:

Blank: Do not adjust.

1: Adjust.

10. Requested Quantity

Specify the required quantity of the parent item in the bill of material inquiry.

11. Unit of Measure as Input

Specify the unit of measure of the parent item in which the requested quantity is entered.