Related Items

After you create an ECO, define the routing instructions, and define the parts list, you also define the items affected by the change. You can update an ECO with the next revision level only if no pending ECOs exist for the item. If pending ECOs exist, the system displays an error message and does not update the revision level.

Engineering Change Order automatically selects related items based on the change type and parent and child relationship values. You can delete the related items for which you do not want to implement the change.

Use effective dates to phase in and out any product or process changes. Effective dates might not require an ECO process and are for smaller, short-term or low-impact changes.

You can maintain the drawing revision level for each item. The Engineering Change Population program can update the drawing revision level in both the Bill of Material table and the Item Master table.

Defining changes does not update the work order parts list for the item. You can update the bills of material with engineering change information manually, or by using either the Where Used Update program (R30520) or the Engineering Change Population program. However, you cannot delete or change the parts on the ECO parts list after you have run the Engineering Change Population program.