Setting Up Manufacturing Constants

Access the Manufacturing Constants Revision form.

Skip to Branch/Plant

Enter a code that represents a high-level business unit. Use this code to refer to a branch or plant that might have departments or jobs, which represent lower-level business units, subordinate to it. For example:

  • Branch/Plant (MMCU)

  • Dept A (MCU)

  • Dept B (MCU)

  • Job 123 (MCU)

Business unit security is based on the higher-level business unit.

Log Bill of Material

Indicates whether changes to the bill of material are recorded in the Bill of Material Change File table. When you log bill of material changes, the system saves the old bill of material and the new, changed bill of material. To record changes to the bill of material, click the Log Bill of Material option under the BOM/Routing Options heading. You can review bill of material changes by using the Bill of Material Change History application (P3011).

On-Line BOM Validation (on-line bill of material validation)

Indicates whether the system performs an online component or parent validation and low-level code assignment when you revise a bill of material.

It is recommended that you validate items online unless the bills of material are extremely large. If you select not to validate items online, you must validate the items in batch. Run the Integrity Analysis program (P30601) after updates to the bill of material and before you run the Item Cost Component - Frozen Update program (R30835) or perform a DRP/MPS/MRP generation (R3482).

To specify that the system validates items online, click the On-Line BOM Validation option under the BOM/Routing Options heading. If you do not click the On-Line BOM Validation option, the system does not validate items online.

Master Routings

Indicates whether the system uses the master routing for an item or a routing defined for the parent item. Both routings are retrieved from the Routing Master table.

If you check for master routings, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management system checks the Item Cross Reference table (F4104), cross-reference type MR, for the parent item. If it finds a cross-reference, the program uses the master routing from the Routing Master table. If it does not find a cross-reference, the system uses the routing defined for the parent item. If you do not check for master routings, the program uses the parent item's routing from the Routing Master table.

For JD Edwards World from Oracle, values are:

Y: Yes, use the master routing for an item, if one exists.

N: No, do not check for a master routing for the item.

For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne:

To specify whether the system checks for cross-references and uses a master routing for the item, click the Master Routings option under the BOM/Routing Options heading.