
You must identify specific shift information for repetitive manufacturing in three places:

  • Manufacturing constants

  • Work centers

  • Shop floor calendars

You set up information in the manufacturing constants to identify the usual number of work hours by shift that the plant operates in one day. Use the Manufacturing Constants program to establish shifts that are unique to the branch/plants. You can identify up to six shifts for a 24-hour period. However, the work hours per day are calculated only from the first three shifts that are listed.

You must define shop floor calendars by shift so that the system can use the calendars to schedule and sequence lines by shift. To increase plant capacity, you can run production lines for multiple shifts, as well as run different lines of production on different days of the week. The system uses these calendars for line sequencing by shift in repetitive manufacturing. Shift calendars are not used for Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP), Master Production Schedule (MPS), and Material Requirements Planning (MRP).

You can further define a shop floor calendar by using name-specific calendars within a shift. Named calendars are tied to work centers or production lines based on specified shifts. When setting up named calendars you must have a first shift and then you can add additional shifts. The named calendar is used as a basis for generating resource units and calculating line capacity to support the operation of a particular production line.

If you locate a month and year that does not exist, it appears with default values for workdays (Monday through Friday) and weekends (Saturday and Sunday). Holidays are always user-defined.

Enter production line information that corresponds to the facilities on the shop floor. Any work hours per shift that you enter in the Work Center Revision program (P3006) override all of the hours per shift information in the Manufacturing Constants table.

You also set up resource unit information that indicates the capacity of a work center on a given day for a specified shift. Use the Work Center Resource Units program (P3007) to identify additional shifts for the work centers.

Note: When you add resource units for a shift, the system also adds a blank shift that represents the total of all shifts.