Understanding Bill of Material Validation

You can review bills of material to:

  • Plan and research engineering change orders.

  • View the results of a pending product change.

  • Determine the effect of an item shortage.

  • Evaluate capacity, manpower, equipment needs, and other resources.

Use the Integrity Analysis program (R30601) to check the bills of material for low-level codes and product structure errors, such as parent items that are listed as their own components.

This program generates a report that identifies any bills of material that you need to correct. If the report indicates errors, you should correct the bills of material and run the Integrity Analysis program again. When the program does not find errors in the bills of material, it updates the low-level codes in both the Item Master and the Item Branch File tables.

You should run the Integrity Analysis program immediately after a data conversion, such as system startup, and then periodically, such as two or four times a year. You should also run the Integrity Analysis program before running the Cost Simulation - Build Temp (R30812) or MRP/MPS Requirements Planning (R3482) programs to prevent the system from updating tables with incorrect product structures.

Note: As an alternative to running Integrity Analysis, you can activate online validation in the Manufacturing Constants program, whereby the system validates the items as you enter them. When you select the Online BOM Validation option, the system issues an error message when you attempt to enter recursive components.

You can use the Bill of Material Inquiry program (P30200) to find and display the components of a bill of material, as well as parts availability and lead time information. Several forms display bill of material information. Depending on the information that you want to see, you can review a parent item and its components, the subassemblies of components, a graphical tree structure of a bill of material, or review where a component is used.

You can view the bill of material with a single level of components, with multiple component levels, and in a tree structure format.

You can use processing options to determine what elements are included in the bill of material view:

  • Phantom items or only components of the phantom items.

  • Subassemblies or only components of the subassemblies.

  • Processes or discrete bills of material.

You can consolidate entries with the same component branch, component item, and fixed and variable information into one component record. You can also consolidate across a single level or multiple levels.

In addition, you can display an adjusted quantity of parent or component items based on shrink information from the Item Branch File table, and scrap and yield information from the bill of material.

Use the Graphical Bill Inquiry form to review each parent item and its components organized in a tree structure. You can change the inquiry type and display sequence, based on the options you select. For example, you can view a single-level, multilevel, or indented bill of material; and you can view the bill sequenced by line number, operation sequence number, or item number.

You might want to determine where a component is used on a bill of material. Components can appear on different levels in the bill of material and can be part of different subassemblies. You can use the Bill of Material Where Used program to review where a component is used in a bill of material. You can conduct this review on single-level and on a multilevel bill of material. When you enter a component number, the system displays all of its parent items.

Use Bill of Material Comparison to compare bills of material. Based on the view mode that you select, the system displays all of the components of both bills or only those components of the two that are different. You can also use this program to compare a bill of material with a parts list or to compare two parts lists with each other. You can define the comparison in the processing options or by selecting the appropriate tab on the Work With Comparisons form.