Understanding the Copy Bill of Material by Branch/Plant (Release 9.2 Update)

You can easily copy a bill of material, including supporting Item/Branch records, from one branch/plant to another branch/plant using the Copy Bill of Material by Branch/Plant program (R3002CPY). Each level of a multilevel bill of material to be copied must be specified and bills of material are copied one level at a time based on data selection.

The Copy Bill of Material by Branch/Plant program (R3002CPY) prints a report that displays the records that will be created when a bill of material is copied. The program also displays errors if setup issues exist for the To Branch/Plant or From Branch/Plant fields.

You can use a processing option to specify whether to run the program in proof mode or final mode. In proof mode, the Item Branch File table (F4102) is not updated and the report is printed. In final mode, the report scans the Item Branch File table (F4102) and adds item records to the table if the item records do not already exist and prints the report. The report lists the bills of material and items created during the process.