Understanding the Where Used Diagram

You can use the Where Used Diagram program (P30004X) to easily view the locations where an item is used. The primary benefit of this diagram is to quickly and clearly see a component's relationship to all other items. The diagram traces where the specified item is used through all the levels of bills of material to all of the finished goods that use the item. The numbers on the connectors between items indicate the value of the Quantity Per Field in the bill of material from one connected item to the next.

For example, suppose that you choose to view Item A in the diagram, and that 3 units of Item A are used in Item B, and 4 units of Item B are used in Item C. The diagram will show:

  • Item A on a red card (selected item)

  • Item B on a blue card

  • A line from Item A to Item B with the number 3 (number of units of Item A used in Item B). The number is displayed along with the unit of measure for the item.

  • Item C on a a blue card

  • A line from Item B to Item C with the number 4 (the number of units Item B used in Item C). The number is displayed along with the unit of measure for the item.

Each card in the diagram lists the item number, item description, and the branch/plant where the item resides. The card also includes an image depending on the setup of the Display Images on Diagram processing option.

Note: Download the ESU and the dependent User Defined Objects (UDOs) to implement the Where Used Diagram. See MOS Doc 2189819.1 for more information on the implementation steps.