Viewing Bills of Material Information

When you select the BOM whose information you want to view, the system displays a card with the item you selected, and the items and subassemblies associated with the selected item. The cards also include an image of the item depending on the setup of the processing option.

The following list describes the actions that you can perform and the information that you can view in the visual BOM:

  • Scroll through the views.

    Use the arrows on either side of a card to scroll through the views. You can also view a card in a larger size by hovering your cursor over the card or by clicking the Isolate icon for the card.

    You can use the Isolate icon to view the details of the subassemblies associated with the selected item.

    The fields are populated with the values from the Material Master File (F3002). The following information are available on the cards:

    • Primary BOM Information

      • Quantity Per

      • Unit of Measure

      • Fixed or Variable

      • Issue Type Code

      • Effective From

      • Effective Thru

      • Operation Sequence

    • Additional BOM Information

      • Line Number

      • Bubble Sequence

      • Leadtime Offset

      • Branch Plant

      • Partials Allowed

      • Remark

    • Item Information

      • Stocking Type

      • Line Type

      • Revision Level

      • From Grade

      • Active Ingredient

      • Thru Grade

      • From Potency

    • Kit Information

      • Feature Planned %

      • Feature Cost %

      • Unit Price

      • Unit Cost

      • Standard/Optional/Feature

      • Required

      • Default Component

  • View subassemblies and components.

    Click the item to view or hide items associated with an item, if additional items exist.

    You can view the items with their subassemblies at a single-level view or a multi-level view by selecting the required option from the View tab.

  • Change the layout and view.

    The control panel has icons that enable you to zoom in, zoom out, zoom to a size that fits the entire BOM on one page, and select a layout format. When you hover your mouse over the diagram, you can also use the scroll wheel on your computer mouse to increase and decrease the size.

  • Move the visual BOM.

    You can hold down your left mouse button to move the image on the screen.