Forms Used to Assign Values to User-Defined Cost Components

Form Name




Enter Cost Components


Product Costing (G3014), Enter/Change Cost Components

On the Work With Cost Components form, enter a combination of branch/plant and item number, click Find, and then click Select.

Assign values to user-defined cost components.

Enter Cost Components by Work Center


On the Work With Cost Components form, enter a combination of branch/plant and item number, click Find, and then select Costs by Workcenter from the Form menu.

Assign values to cost components by work center.

Cost Component Detail


On the Enter Cost Components form, select a record and then select Cost Detail from the Row menu

Review simulated and frozen costs and rates.

Work With Work Center Cost


On the Enter Cost Component form, select a record and select Cost Calc (cost calculation) from the Row menu.

Review costs by work center.

Work With Cost Calculation


On the Work With Work Center Cost form, select Cost Calc (cost calculation) from the Row menu.

Review calculation basis for unit costs at routing operations.