Outside Operation Cost Components

You can manually enter cost components for outside operations on the Enter Cost Components form (W30026B) or let the system retrieve them from the Item Cost table (F4105) when you run the Simulate Rollup program (R30812).

The Order Processing program (R31410) creates item numbers for outside operations where Parent represents the parent item number, and xx represents the whole-number portion of the operation sequence number of the outside operation:


For example, for item 333, an outside operation at operation sequence number 30 receives an item number of 333*OP30.

If you enter a cost method in the Outside Operations processing option for the Simulate Rollup program, the program uses that cost method to retrieve the cost from the F4105 table. If the value is zero, and a value previously existed in the Item Cost Component Add-Ons table (F30026), the original value remains. If you leave the processing option blank, the program uses the values that you manually entered on the Enter Cost Components form.