Outside Operations

When you receive a purchase order for outside operations, you enter the quantity received and the system displays the Routing Quantities and Status Window program (P3103) so that you can complete the transaction. When you receive the purchase order, the system creates a receipt (OV) transaction to the Item Ledger table to increase the on-hand inventory by the item quantity that you received. When you complete the routing information, the system updates the Item Ledger table with an offsetting IM transaction. The net effect on the Item Ledger table is a zero on-hand balance.

The receipt also updates the unaccounted units in the Work Order Routing table. The following table describes the cost information that the system uses for the update by cost method:

Cost Method


Standard costing (method 07)

Uses the frozen standard cost for the outside operations amount.

Actual costing (method 02 or 09)

Updates the amounts from the purchase order costs in the Work Order Routing table.