
These processing options control whether the system calculates costs from manual input or by running the Cost Simulation - Build Temp program (R30812).

Routing Cost Entry

Specify how the system maintains net added cost components B1 through C4. Values are:

Blank: Use the Cost Simulation program to calculate net added component costs.

1: Use manually entered cost components.

Enter 1 to enable input into the Simulated Net Added field for these cost types:

B1: Direct Labor

B2: Setup Labor

B3: Machine Run

B4: Labor Efficiency

C1: Machine Variable Overhead

C2: Machine Fixed Overhead

C3: Labor Variable Overhead

C4: Labor Fixed Overhead

Total Cost Entry

Specify how to calculate the net added total cost. Values are:

Blank: Use the Cost Simulation program to calculate net added total cost.

1: Enable simulated total to be calculated manually at the time net added costs are manually entered.