Accessing the Second Description of Company UCC Codes

You must store the UPC code in the UDC 41/UC table. In the 13-digit UPC code, the first seven digits are used for company UCC code (company ID) and the next five digits are the unique product ID. In every UPC code, the company ID is the same for all child items in a hierarchy, but the product ID differs from item to item. Enter the product ID as the second description in the UDC 41/UC, before you run the Generate EAN13 program to generate UPC codes automatically for a company.

Access the Work With User Defined Codes form.

To access the second description of company UCC codes:

  1. Search for UDC 41/UC.

  2. Select the required company and select Code Types from the Form menu.

  3. On the Work With User Defined Code Types form, search and select UC from the list of values.

  4. On the User Defined Code Types form, select Y in the 2nd Line (Y/N) field.

  5. Click OK to save the changes.

  6. Verify that the Description 02 column now appears on the Work With User Defined Codes form.

  7. Select the company for which you need to generate the UPC codes automatically, and then enter the second description as a five-digit numeric code in the Description 2 field.

  8. Click OK to save the changes.

Every time you generate a UCC or EAN code for a style item, the system automatically adds one to the product ID that you enter as the second description for the company UCC code. For example, the second description that you enter for the first item is 12345 for a company. The system will add one to the second description, when you run the Generate EAN13 program (RCW28) to generate UPC code automatically for the next item. Then, the UPC code will be 12346 for the second item, 12347 for the third, and so on. The system resets the product ID when it reaches the maximum value of 99999.

Note: Before you run the Generate EAN13 program, you must specify the company for which you need to generate UPC codes automatically. Enter it in the Company UCC Code field, which is on the Values tab of the processing options of the Generate EAN13 program.