Building the Collection Template

Access the Collection Template Detail form:

To build the collection template:

  1. Expand the tree structure in the right-hand pane to see all of the available collection levels and style items.

  2. Select the level or specific style item that you want to add to the collection template and click the arrow button to move it into the collection template in the left-hand pane.

    If you select an attribute or collection level that includes multiple style items, all of those style items will be moved to the collection template when you click the arrow button.

  3. After you select all of the style items that you want to add to the collection template, select Generate Matrix from the Form menu to create the matrix entry display for the collection template. The system uses this template during sales order and purchase order entry.

  4. Click OK to run the report.

    Review the report output and verify the results.

    The Collection Template List report (RCW10) runs and creates the list of style items included in the collection template for the matrix entry display.

    Note: This report can also be submitted manually from Batch Versions. If the report does not complete successfully, it will not contain all of the style items. Verify that the report has finished running before you view the results. Otherwise, you will not obtain the results that you expect.
  5. To verify and review the matrix entry display that has been created for the collection template, select Matrix Display from the Form menu.

  6. If you want to remove all of the style items from the template, select Delete All from the Form menu on the Collection Template Detail form.

  7. If you want to delete individual style items from the template, select those items and click Delete.

Note: Once you have created a template, you can update the existing template by selecting your template on either the Work with Collection Template or the Collection Template Header forms and selecting Update Template from the Row menu on either form.