
1. Collection

Specify a code that represents a coherent assortment of items introduced at the same time mostly for one brand (manufacturer), season, year, and market. You must enter a value from the Collection Header table (FCW06).

2. Season Code

Specify the season for which the style items are being manufactured. Enter a value from UDC 41F/SE.

3. Season Year

Specify the year of manufacture of style item. Enter a value from the UDC 41F/SY.

4. Check Item Presence in Collection

Specify whether the system verifies the style item presence in a collection. Also, if you verify the style item presence, you can specify whether to display a warning message or error message in the absence of the style item. Values are:

Blank: The system does not validate the presence of an item in the collection.

1: The system validates the presence of a style item in the collection and displays a warning message if the item is not present in the collection.

2: The system validates the presence of the style item in the collection and displays an error message if the item is not present in the collection.

5. Check Collection on Header

Specify whether to validate the collection in the header. Values are:

Blank: The system does not validate the collection in the header.

1: The system validates the collection in the header.