Releasing Blanket Orders for Style Items

Access the Order Release form.

To release blanket orders for style items:

  1. Specify the quantity from the blanket order to release to the purchase order in the Release Qty field on the Release Information tab.

  2. Enter the requested delivery date in the Requested field on the Dates tab.

  3. Select the Substitute Style Itm option from the Form menu.

    The system displays all child style items that correspond to the style item root level 0.

  4. Select a row for the child style item on the Substitute Style Items Search & Select form and click Select.

    The item number of the child style item selected on the Substitute Style Items Search & Select form appears in the Item Number field on the Detail Information tab of the Order Release form.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Review the blanket order quantities remaining to purchase within the blanket order on the Work With Order Release form.

  7. Click Close.

  8. On the Cancel Order Generation Confirmation message, click OK to generate the purchase orders.

    If you click Cancel, then the system does not generate the purchase orders.

  9. Review the list of generated purchase orders on the Generated Purchase Orders form.

  10. Click Close.