Understanding Price List Generation

Price List Generation enables you to copy prices from a source price list to a target price list. This capability provides an easier way to set up a large number of prices rather than creating them all individually and manually. You can also use a specific exchange rate, a multiplier, and rounding rules when you generate a target price.

You can define exceptions by item group to the multipliers and rounding rules. For example, price exceptions can be set specific to a particular color or size.

For example, if your company's currency is EURO, you can convert EURO into various other currencies, like USD and JPY, using a user-defined exchange rate. This diagram illustrates the conversion process:

Price list generation from base price in Euros

You use the Price List Generation program to copy prices from a source price list to a target price list. After you set up source and target information, select an option from the Row menu to call the Generate Price List report (RCW07). This report performs the actual copy to the target price list. The Price List Generation program writes price list and price list exception information to the Price List Generation (FCW40) and Price List Generation - Exception (FCW42) tables.

You can use the Price List Generation program to copy prices for all of the items in a source price list, or you can copy just one item based on a processing option for the Generate Price List report. To take advantage of this functionality, set up different versions of the Generate Price list report and specify which version to call from the Price List Generation program. You might want to copy just one style item if you have made changes to a style item in the source price list or added a new style item to the list.