Result Ranges Tab, Result Ranges

Select the Result Ranges tab.

Allowed Minimum

Enter the lowest value for a passing test result.

Preferred Minimum

Enter the lowest value for the preferred test result. This value must be greater than or equal to the allowed minimum value. Use the preferred minimum value to measure quality to a more precise specification than a customer requests.

Processing options for the Certificate of Analysis program enable you to print the preferred value on the Certificate of Analysis report. Processing options for the Test Revisions program enable you to evaluate samples against the preferred values.


Enter the preferable or target test result within the test results range. As the system does not test against a target value, this field is for the information only.

Preferred Maximum

Enter the highest value for the preferred test result. This value must be less than or equal to the allowed maximum value. Use the preferred maximum value to measure quality to a more precise specification than a customer requests.

Processing options for the Certificate of Analysis program enable you to print the preferred value on the Certificate of Analysis report. Processing options for the Test Revisions program enable you to evaluate samples against the preferred values.

Allowed Maximum

Enter the highest value for a passing test result.

Result UOM

Enter a UDC (37/UM) that identifies the unit of measure for a test result. Examples of units of measure include barrels, boxes, cubic yards, gallons, and hours.