
These processing options control the version of the Purchase Orders program to use for creating purchase orders, as well as the consolidation method for purchase orders and the release fence for ad hoc schedules.

1. Purchase Order Entry Version (P4310)

Specify which version of the Purchase Orders program the system calls to generate purchase orders when running the Supplier Schedule Release Generation program. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

2. Purchase Order Consolidation

Specify how to consolidate purchase orders when you run the Supplier Schedule Release Generation program. Values are:

Blank: Consolidate purchase orders by branch/plant supplier and item.

1: Consolidate purchase orders by branch/plant and supplier.

2: Consolidate purchase orders by branch/plant, supplier, and date.

3. Release Fence Days for Adhoc Schedules

Specify the release fence days for ad hoc schedules. Release fence days are the number of work days from the current date within which a release can occur.