JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requirements Planning Summary and Console Overview

The Requirements Planning Summary (P34X100) and Planning Console (P34X200) applications enhance the requirements planning (MRP/MPS/DRP) functionality with a real-time functionality to provide a comprehensive, graphical, and interactive view of the supply and demand data.

With the Planning Summary program, you can view requirements planning messages prioritized and summarized according to user preferences, with the system issuing alerts any time that action is required within the established lead time. For items selected from the message summary, planners can see, at a glance, their current inventory condition with graphical indicators for on-hand inventory, days until first receipt, and days until second receipt.

You can access the Planning Console program directly from the menu or by drilling in from the Planning Summary program. In the Planning Console program, the system presents action messages in the context of an interactive, real-time supply/demand detail table with supporting charts. You can modify recommended supply dates and quantities or create new planned supply orders within the Planning Console program. When you make such changes, the Planning Console displays real-time graphical views of the effects of those changes prior to saving and/or implementing them. Until the changes are saved, you can restore the plan to the original supply condition. For manufactured items, the system displays ending available and days of supply alerts for critical components in real time as changes are made to the parent item's production plan.

The Requirements Planning Summary and Console solution provides the following features:

  • Graphical summary of messages generated by requirements planning (MRP/MPS/DRP) based on user-defined thresholds and priorities

  • Item summary of the current inventory condition with graphical on-hand and days of supply alerts

  • Lead time alerts

  • Single, comprehensive, interactive, real-time presentation of actual and planned supply and demand data

  • Adjusted (planned) and unadjusted (actual) views of supply and demand data

  • User-friendly supporting graphics

  • Clear representation of the effects of supply changes before saving or implementing the plan

  • Ability to restore the plan to its original condition with a single click (prior to saving or implementing the plan)

  • Ability to easily freeze (or unfreeze) individual or multiple orders

  • Critical component days of supply and ending available alerts

  • Visibility of inventory available in other branches

  • Ability to create/view text or media object attachments