MPS/DRP Time Series

The time series is a record of time-phased supply and demand netting for selected items. The system retrieves this data from the most recent generation or net change that has been run.

Use the DRP or MPS versions of the MPS Time Series program to review the master schedule and decide whether to accept the planning that the system suggests or to override it. You should review the action messages for individual item numbers to determine what action, if any, to take.

Use processing options in the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program to set up daily, weekly, or monthly time periods.

This table presents the data contained in the DRP and MPS time series:



Quantities for specific time periods

You can review:

  • Time-phased inventory activity in any unit of measure.

  • Available-to-promise quantities in any valid unit of measure.

  • Time fences and the lead time at the item level.

  • Cumulative and manufacturing lead time occurrences.

Adjusted or unadjusted period quantities

Period quantities are either adjusted or unadjusted.

The calculations for adjusted quantities assume that the user will process the messages.

The calculations for unadjusted quantities assume that the user will not process the action messages. The U at the end of a quantity type indicates that period quantities are unadjusted.

Forecast consumption

When you use planning time fence rule G, C, or H, which calculate demand based on the greater of forecast or customer orders, the forecast is consumed. Consumed means that the forecast is reduced by the amount of the customer demand in the same or related period.

Note: The time series displays the aggregate demand and forecast for all customers. If you are using forecast consumption by customer functionality, the aggregate forecast and customer demand quantities might appear out of balance from standard forecast consumption.

Various display formats

You can display the time series in different formats. For example, you can:

  • Summarize all demand lines into one demand line.

  • Summarize all supply lines into one supply line.

  • Select rows of information to select or suppress.

  • Toggle between two different quantity type tables as set up in the processing options.

Access to other programs

You can access these other programs while reviewing the time series:

  • Supply/Demand Inquiry and Pegging Inquiry to determine where higher level demands are being generated.

  • MRP/MPS Detail Message Revisions to review message detail and take appropriate actions.

  • Additional System Info to verify item setup details.

  • Detail Forecast Revisions to review item forecasts and sales history.

  • Rate Schedule Revisions to review item rate schedules.

  • MPS or DRP generation to run an online regeneration for the displayed item.