
These processing options identify what information appears on the Time Series form and how the information appears. You can select specific past due and forecast consumption periods. Additionally, you can select to summarize supply and demand data into a single row.

1. Past Due Periods

Specify the number of periods that the system displays prior to the MRP generation start date on the time series. Values are:

0: Zero periods (default) prior to the MRP generation start date.

1: One period prior to the MRP generation start date.

2: Two periods prior to the MRP generation start date.

This value should correspond to the MRP Generation (R3482/R3483) past due periods. If the MRP Generation program has one past due period, this option should be set to 1.

2. Summarize Supply and Demand

Specify whether to summarize supply lines into a single row and demand lines into another single row on forms that are associated with the Time Series program. Values are:

Blank: Do not summarize.

1: Summarize.

3. Forecast Consumption Periods (FCP)

Specify whether the system indicates the forecast consumption periods in the Time Series program when MRP uses forecast consumption. Values are:

Blank: Do not indicate.

1: Indicate the forecast consumptions periods by placing an asterisk next to the date.