Understanding Multilevel Master Schedule Generation

When you run the MPS - Gross Regeneration version of the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program (R3482), the system compiles a master schedule. Select the MPS - Net Change version of the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program when you want to include only those items that have changed since the last generation. You can create a version of the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning program specifically for multilevel master scheduling.

When you generate a multilevel master schedule, the system explodes planned orders to the bill of material component and identifies the percentages of all component items. By exploding the bill of material against the total number of expected sales of a parent item, you can obtain the total requirements for each item at each level in the bill of material.

When you generate a master schedule, the system evaluates selected information, performs calculations, and recommends a time-phased planning schedule for all selected items.