Attaching Co-Products and By-Products

Access the Work Order Process Resource Revisions form.

Work Order Process Resource Revisions form
Co By (co-products by-products)

Enter a code that identifies standard components or ingredients as co-products, by-products, and intermediates. Co-products are (concurrent) end items as the result of a process. By-products are items that can be produced at any step of a process, but were not planned. Intermediate products are items defined as a result of a step but are automatically consumed in this step.

Generally, intermediates are nonstock items and are only defined steps with a pay-point for reporting purposes. Standard components (Discrete Manufacturing) or ingredients (Process Manufacturing) are consumed during the production process. Values are:

C: Co-products.

B: By-products.

I: Intermediate products.

Blank: Standard components or ingredients.

Qty Ordered/Output Qty (quantity ordered/output quantity)

Enter the quantity of units affected by this transaction.