
These processing options control default settings for running this program. For example, you can use a processing option to specify the processing mode that the system uses and the bill of material type that appears.

1. Processing Mode

Specify how the system displays the information on which you inquiry. select from these processing modes: simple inquiry, parts availability, or lead time inquiry.

The simple inquiry mode displays the components of a bill of material.

The parts availability mode displays the components of a bill of material and the available quantities for those components. If you use this mode, specify whether you want the system to subtract safety stock from the quantity on hand and whether to display negative quantities using the Safety Stock and Negative Items processing options under the Select tab.

The lead time inquiry mode displays actual and calculated lead times for an item. Actual lead times are derived from the lead times as updated in the Item Branch table by the Leadtime Rollup program. Calculated lead times are the number of days that you must start to manufacture a part prior to the date that the parent needs it. You can use this mode of processing to define lead times for an item at each routing instruction step or to compare the actual and calculated lead times. If you use this mode, specify whether you want the system to display the actual or calculated lead times in the Leadtime Values processing option under the Select tab. Values are:

1: Displays the simple inquiry mode.

2: Displays the parts availability mode.

3: Displays the lead time inquiry mode.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system displays the simple inquiry mode.

2. Inquiry Mode

Specify the level of detail that you want the system to display. The single level mode displays the parent item and its components. The multilevel mode displays the parent item, its components, and the subassemblies of the components. The multilevel indented mode displays the parent item, its components, and the subassemblies of the components. In addition, it indents the subassemblies. Values are:

1: Displays the single level mode.

2: Displays the multilevel mode.

3: Displays the multilevel indented mode.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system displays the multilevel indented mode.

3. Bill of Material Type

Specify the type of bill of material that the system uses as the default value in the Type of Bill field on the Work With Bill of Material form. Enter a value from user-defined code (UDC) table 40/TB (Bill Type) that designates the type of bill of material. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses M for manufacturing bill of material.

4. Display Sequence

Specify how you want the system to sort information on the Work With Bill of Material form. You can select to sequence the data by component line number or by operation sequence number. The component line number indicates the sequence of the components on a bill of material. The operation sequence number indicates the sequence of the fabrication or assembly steps in the manufacture of an item. Values are:

1: Sorts by component line number.

2: Sorts by operation sequence number.

Blank: Sorts the data by component line number.