
These processing options control processing in the Hours and Quantities program, such as whether the system performs quantity verification or applies a yield percentage to the completed quantity.

1. Enter the Status Code beyond which Shop Floor Activity cannot be entered.

Specify the status (UDC 00/SS) of a work order from which shop floor activity cannot be entered. The system does not process work orders at a status equal or greater than the processing option value. For example, if the processing option is set to 95, then any work order with a status of 95 or higher cannot be changed by the application. If the processing option is blank, the system allows processing of work orders at any status.

2. Quantity Verification

Specify whether the system verifies if the quantity complete and the quantity scrapped exceeds the quantity at operation.

Blank: Disable quantity verification.

1: Enable quantity verification.

3. Employee Rate

Specify whether the system displays the employee rate. Values are:

Blank: Display.

1: Do not display.

4. Apply Yield to Completed Quantity

Specify whether the system applies the operation yield percentage to the quantity that the user completes at an operation. The yield percentage determines the scrap quantity. Values are:

Blank: Does not apply the operation yield percentage.

1: Applies the operation yield percentage.

5. Apply Shrink to Completed Quantity

Specify whether the system applies the parent item's shrink factor to the recommended issue quantity of a component item. Values are:

0: The system does not apply the shrink factor to the quantity of a component item.

1: The system applies the shrink factor to the quantity of a component item.