Entering Custom Routings

Access the Work Order Routing form.

Purchase Order Consolidation

Specify whether the system overrides the processing option value at runtime for consolidation of purchase order lines when processing a single work order. Values are:

Cleared: Do not consolidate lines.

Selected: Consolidate lines by supplier and branch/plant.

For example, if you set the processing option to 1 and run order processing for a single work order that contains two outside operations for the same supplier and branch/plant with a quantity of 10 on each line, then the system creates a single purchase order containing two lines with a quantity of 10 on each line.

Skip to Order Number

Enter a number identifying the original document. This can be an invoice number, work order number, sales order number, journal entry number, and so on.

Machine Run Hours

Enter the standard machine hours that you expect to incur in the normal production of this item.

Labor Run Hours

Enter the standard hours of labor that you expect to incur in the normal production of this item.

The run labor hours in the Routing Master table (F3003) are the total hours that it takes the specified crew size to complete the operation. The hours are multiplied by the crew size during shop floor release and product costing.

Start Date

Enter the start date of either the work order or the routing instructions.

Operation Type

Enter a value from UDC 30/OT (Type Operation) that indicates the type of operation. Values include:

A: Alternate routing

TT: Travel time

IT: Idle time

T: Text

Pay Point

Enter a code that indicates whether a work center has labor, material, or both, backflushed through it when quantities are reported against operations occurring in the work center. If you do not override the routing record, the system uses the work center value as the default. Codes are:

0: Not a backflush work center.

B: Backflush material and labor.

M: Backflush material only.

L: Backflush labor only.

P: Preflush material only.

If you leave this field blank, the system retrieves the value from the Work Order Routing table (F3112).

Crew Size

Enter the number of people who work in the specified work center or routing operation.

The system multiplies the Run Labor value in the F3003 table by crew size during costing to generate total labor amounts.

If the Prime Load Code is L or B, the system uses the total labor hours for backscheduling. If the Prime Load Code is C or M, the system uses the total machine hours for backscheduling without modification by crew size.

Setup Hours

Enter the standard setup hours that you expect to incur in the normal completion of this item. This value is not affected by crew size.