Forms Used to Attach Routing Instructions Interactively

Form Name

Form ID



Work Order Routing


Daily Order Preparation - Discrete (G3111), Enter/Change Order

Select a record on the Work With Manufacturing Work Orders form, and then select Routing from the Row menu.

Work with routing instructions.

Routing Details


Select a record on the Work Order Routing form, and then select Details from the Row menu.

Review routing details.

Copy by Item


Daily Order Preparation - Discrete (G3111), Enter/Change Order

Select a record on the Work With Manufacturing Work Orders form, and then select Routing from the Row menu.

Select Copy by Item from the Form menu. Click OK on the Copy by Item form to copy the routing instructions for the displayed item and branch/plant to the work order.

Copy a routing instruction from a routing.

Copy by Order Number


Select a record on the Work with Manufacturing Work Orders form, and then select Routing from the Row menu.

Select Copy by WO from the Form menu. Complete the Work Order Number field on the Copy by Order Number form, and click OK. On the Work Order Routing form, make any final corrections and click OK.

Copy routing instructions from an existing work order.

Outside Operation Details


Select a work order on the Work with Manufacturing Work Orders form, and then select Routing from the Row menu.

Select the outside operation routing step for which you want to create a purchase order on the Work Order Routing form, and then select Outside Operations from the Row menu. Complete the Vendor and Cost Type fields on the Outside Operation Detail form, and then select Generate PO from the Form menu and click OK.

Generate a purchase order for an outside operation.

Work With Competencies


On the Work Order Routing form, select a routing operation and then select Resource Competency from the Row menu.

Review competencies for the employee in the routing instruction.

Work with Equipment Master


On the Routing Details form, select Equipment Search from the Form menu.

Review equipment related to a specific step in the routing.