Reviewing Parts List Availability

Access the Parts List Detail Inquiry form.

Qty Required (quantity required)

Enter a number that indicates the quantity that is available.

For example, the available quantity might consist of the on-hand quantity minus commitments, reservations, and backorders.

Availability is user-defined. You can set up availability in the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001).

WO Hard Commit (work order hard commit)

Enter the number of units hard committed to work orders in the primary unit of measure.

SO Hard Commit (sales order hard commit)

Enter the number of units hard committed to a specific location and lot.

WO/SO Soft Commit (work order/sales order soft commit)

Enter the number of units soft committed to sales orders or work orders in the primary units of measure.

Qty on Order (quantity on order)

Enter the number of units specified on the purchase order in primary units of measure.