Understanding Hours and Quantities Entry

Use the Hours and Quantities program (P311221) to charge actual hours and quantities to a work order. You can use the processing options to specify either of these formats for work order time entry:



Order number format

This format records time and quantities for employees by work order

Employee number format

This format records time and quantities for the routing instruction steps on a work order by employee.

Consider this important information about entering hours and quantities:

  • Enter the quantity completed only once per operation sequence number. Entering it for each type of hours causes a variance amount.

  • Enter hours using beginning and ending times for each entry or the actual hours, up to two decimal places.

  • To reverse completed or scrapped quantities that you have entered, enter the quantity as a negative quantity.

  • If you activate the Apply Yield to Completed Quantity processing option, the system applies the operation yield percentage to the completed quantity. When you enter the completed quantity, the system automatically adds a scrap quantity line that is calculated based on the yield percentage.

  • The system verifies that the completed and scrapped quantities that you enter do not exceed the quantity at operation.

    Note: If you use the Speed Time Entry program (P051121), you can set the Manufacturing Time Entry processing option to update the information in the Hours and Quantities program.

After you enter hours and quantities, you can review the entries on the Work With Work Order Time Entry form.

If you entered a quantity that you want to be posted as complete, the system adds a separate detail line for the completed quantity (Type of Hours 4). If scrap exists, the system adds a scrap quantity line (Type of Hours 5).