Understanding Rate Schedule Entry

Repetitive manufacturing is designed for items that you produce in a continuous process on a dedicated production line. A rate schedule is a request to complete a given quantity of an item over a period of time on a specific production line.

Rate schedules consist of a header, a parts list, and routing instructions. The rate schedule header specifies the quantity of the item requested, the required date, and the production line. The parts list and routing instructions specify the parts, operations, and resources required to complete the rate.

Use the Enter/Change Rate Schedule program (P3109) to add a rate schedule. When you add a rate, the system verifies that:

  • The line exists in the Line/Item Relationship Master table (F3109).

  • The dates appear in the appropriate shop floor calendar.

  • The effective date ranges are within the defined period.

To increase plant capacity, manufacturers run production lines for more than one shift and they run different lines or production on different days of the week. You specify these shifts and lines on the shop floor calendar.

You can identify up to six shifts for the production line using the Manufacturing Constants program (P3009). You can then identify all shifts for the production line by work center, if necessary. After you set up the shifts, use the Line Scheduling Workbench program (P3153) and the Line Sequencing Workbench program (P3156) to schedule production.