Understanding Shop Floor Calendar Setup

You can use the Shop Floor Calendar program (P00071) to define the work days by month and year for each branch or all branches in the system. The system uses this calendar to determine manufacturing schedules.

You can also define calendars by shift. The system uses these calendars for line scheduling and sequencing by shift in repetitive manufacturing. Shift calendars are not used for Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP), Master Production Scheduling (MPS), or Material Requirements Planning (MRP).

To increase plant capacity, manufacturers run production lines for more than one shift, as well as run different lines of production on different days of the week. You specify these shifts and lines in the Shop Floor Calendar program.

When you have not yet defined the shop floor calendar for the branch, month, and year, the system preloads default work days (Monday through Friday) and weekends (Saturday and Sunday). Holidays are always user-defined.