Blanket and Quote Orders

You can create blanket and quote orders for kit items, just as you do for a standard stocked item. The system displays the Kit Selection form during order entry to enable you to select the kit components for the blanket order.

When you release the kit from a blanket order, the system copies the selected components from the blanket to the sales order and does not display the Kit Selection form. The system uses the processing options of the P4210 program to determine how to process single and multiple blanket orders during sales order entry. If you have multiple blanket orders that exist for a customer for a kit item, the system either prompts you to select the appropriate blanket order during sales order entry or selects the blanket order based on the cancel date. The system creates a separate detail line on the sales order for the quantity selected from each blanket order.

If you do not manually select or enable the system to automatically select the blanket order during sales order entry, the system displays the Kit Selection form. You must release the blanket order for the kit parent item and not the individual components. The system maintains the quantity open on the kit parent item only.

The system updates changes to the parent quantities on the blanket order. If you make changes to components during order release, the system does not update the original blanket or quote order.