Creating Invoice Cycle Preferences

Access the Invoice Cycle Calculation Rule form.

This form displays the invoice cycle calculation rule.

Fiscal Year

Specify a two-digit number for the applicable year. If you leave this field blank, the program uses the system date.

Invoice Cycle

Enter the invoice cycle. The system uses the Invoice Cycle field in the Cycle Billing program (R49700) to determine the method of invoicing (for example, daily, weekly, monthly).

Preference Status

Specify a code to activate or deactivate a preference. Values are:

1: Activate

2: Deactivate

Calculation Rule

Enter a value from UDC JE42/CR that defines the type of calculation that the system uses to calculate the scheduled invoice date.

Number of Days Increment

Enter the number of days that the system adds to the based-on date. For example, you might enter several days to allow for time between the order date and the delivery date. The system adds the number in this field to the based-on date when the Cycle Billing program (R49700) calculates the scheduled invoice date.

Based On Date Name

Enter a value from UDC 42/DN for the name of the specific date field from either the sales order header or the sales order detail that the system uses to calculate the scheduled invoice date.

For example, if the customer requires invoices at time of delivery, then select the delivery confirm date.

Day of Week

Enter a value from UDC JE42/DW that defines the day of week on which the Print Invoice program (R42565) produces an invoice for the customer. This field must remain blank unless you invoice a customer on the same day each week. This field is completed only for the weekly invoicing calculation rule.