
You can determine the currencies in which you want to print net, tax, and gross amounts on the invoices. The processing options for the R42565 program enable you to print amounts in either the domestic or foreign currency, or in these two currencies:

  • Domestic and as if currency.

  • Foreign and as if currency.

The Print Invoices program uses as if currency processing to print invoice amounts as if they were entered in a different currency. One of the advantages of as if processing is that it does not affect disk space. The system temporarily stores the as if currency amounts in the Invoice Print File table (F42565), and then deletes them after the invoices are processed.

To print foreign and as if currency amounts, the Print Invoices program:

  • Calculates the foreign and as if currency amounts based on the domestic amount of the sales order.

  • Uses the exchange rate on the sales order date, not the invoice date.

  • Prints foreign amounts only for each detail line.

If you print invoice amounts in an as if currency, you can also set a processing option to print tax summary amounts in the same as if currency.